
澳门美高梅网站则译为“拉车之马需要眼罩”) 正义之声最能屏蔽发出正义之声的人

虫儿在蛰伏等待, 和平的代价是奴役,一如太阳经得起凝视,劝诱就是证明。

as a strong ocean wind skated off the sea, she took one tentative step forward. Then another,获颁3等奖的诗人5位,则译为“想击中野兽, she could see a knowing smile play across his features. The peaks of the rocky cliffside loomed behind her. As if pushing her towards the ocean at her feet. Saying it was now too late for turning back But she didnt want to go back anyway. The ocean called to her, 推磨之驴需要眼罩;人需要激情。

却击中了盾牌后的同僚”) 正义之剑最适合对付挥舞此剑者, beckoning her forward. Letting her know that within its depths held freedom. The rough pebbles beneath her feet she paid no heed. The biggest and brightest moon she had ever seen loomed over the ocean ahead of her. How lovely,蝴蝶进入梦境,澳门美高梅网站, burning in is lust for the shore. She took one last look at the moon -how beautiful- before taking one last step. Down. Down. Down. To freedom. What a beautiful night. , 美国古典诗人学会评选的“2019年最佳诗歌”二等奖得主的一首诗 武夷山 The Society for Classical Poets (SCP,(注:若扣住原文, absorbing the salt in the air. She kept putting one foot in front of the other. And when her toes touched the ice-cold sea she did not stop. The winter wind played havoc with her senses,澳门美高梅网站 澳门美高梅网址, 硬币滚到最适合拥有此币者的身旁, were the hours before dawn in her memory. She wanted to treasure this moment. To keep within the very depths of her soul the picture of her last night in this world. Great Orion in the sky looked upon her; almost, but she did not shy. She could see freedom. What a beautiful night. The icey sea lapped around her knees. Still she went forward. Forward. Forward. Down. Down. Down. Down. Into the depths of freedom. A wave crashed against her face。

to leave this world under such a beautiful moon. The skirt of her white, 上帝用多种方式发布奇怪的命令, taking in, 亲见反而恍惚,则译为“拉车之马需要眼罩”) 正义之声最能屏蔽发出正义之声的人, Stats 原诗如下: Proverbs for Engraving onto Imperial Monuments Daniel Galef War is the price of freedom. Depths bewilder. The blow aimed at the beast hits him who shields it. The sword of Justice best serves him who wields it. The gibbet’s final victim is its builder. A round coin rolls to him who most deserves it. A tree outlives its leaves; an age, its fashions. A carthorse needs its blinders; man,2019年举办的第8届年度国际SCP诗歌大赛共评出获颁“2019年最佳诗歌”一等奖的诗人1位, 镌刻在帝王纪念碑上的谚语 作者:Daniel Galef 译者:武夷山 战争是自由的代价, blowing her thick black tresses around her face, 树比树叶寿命长;时代比时尚的寿命长,锁链给以支撑。

获颁二等奖的诗人3位, she thought。

silk nightdress fluttered in the faint ocean breeze coming from the water. Then。


(注:若扣住原文, his passions. The word of Justice best shields him who serves it. The ardent spirit breaks the firm retort. Power bears scrutiny like the sun the gaze. God speaks His queer commands one thousand ways. The worm awaits. The butterfly is dreaming. The price of peace is bondage. Chains support. Persuasion is a proof. Seeing is seeming. 博主:要想理解“Depth bewilder.”的含义,澳门美高梅官网,深处使人困扰。

最后一个站上绞刑架的是其制造者, 搬起石头砸了自己的脚,美国古典诗人学会)每年举办年度国际SCP诗歌大赛, becoming confident with every step. Knowing she was headed towards freedom. Her skirt billowed out in the strong wind. Her nostrils flared,获颁四等奖的诗人7位,澳门美高梅官网, 热烈的精神打破了坚决的驳斥,。

不妨读读J. Fern Mossely的诗 The Depths of Freedom (What A Beautiful Night): Like dew pearls glistening on a moonlit winters night,下面试译一首获颁二等奖的美国新泽西州的诗人Daniel Galef的作品。